Book : Bridge foundation and substructures

Introduction. 1 Survey of current practice. This report on Bridge Foundations and Substructures summarises the findings of a survey of the attitudes of bridge designers in the United Kingdom. The objective of the survey was to gain some idea of the philosophies adopted by engineers in their choices of different types of foundations and substructures and of different methods of analysis. The report was also expected to highlight those areas where further guidance and research are required, and where fInancial savings might be effected. The survey initially involved discussions during 1975/76 with about 120 experienced engineers within 46 organisations acknowledged below. During 1977 a considerable amount of additional advice and comment was added as a result of detailed criticism of a preliminary draft by the Steering Committee. The subsequent Draft Commentary on Current Practice in Design of Bridge Foundations and Substructures was published by the Building Research Establishment to stimulate public comment and it formed the text for a Seminar held at the Building Research Station in October 1977 attended by about 150 engineers. A considerable quantity of further comment, advice and criticism was collected at the Seminar and received in writing from bridge designers in the UK and abroad. This information has also been incorporated in this report. ...
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